Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What mid-career professionals should wear and bring to their interview

Wardrobe guidance for men and women--and advice on accessories to make you look sharp and smart.

For you mid-career professionals who’ve been “recruited” away from another firm and are somewhere in the process of preparing for your first interview—I have some news for you: Your prospective employer will start evaluating you as soon as you pull into the parking lot, irrespective of whether I, or some other recruiter “sweet talked” you into considering the opportunity. Here’s some advice to make your foray through interview land more rewarding and fun.

There are thousands of “what to wear to the interview” articles out there and I promised myself I would never contribute to this overburdened genre; however, I’ve changed my mind—especially as things have changed over the last couple of years and many of my prospective candidates have required a little “tune up” before successfully crossing their new employer’s threshold. What you wear and carry (in other words, how you look) may need a little updating if you’re going to significantly impress your new colleagues during your interview. In short, what you’ve been wearing for the last few years at your present employer may go over like a lead balloon, especially if your new position will be one of increased responsibilities.

From your perspective, you may think you’re doing just fine—since you were not even thinking about making a career move until I (or another recruiter) cold-called you, or sent you an intriguing email to start the ball rolling. The trap here is that since you’ve been doing well with your current employer, you may believe you don’t need any updates in the wardrobe or professional accessory departments. You may actually enjoy wearing that paisley tie from 1988, the eyeglasses from 1992, the shoes that are “just like new” from 1994, and the jacket from 1996—you’re getting the picture and note I’m only picking on the guys (so far). Seriously, this logic may actually exclude you from the gene pool at your prospective new gig.

You may be asking “so, why is it important to wear nice, crisp conservative clothes and bring well-chosen professional accessories to a job interview when I’ve been recruited because of my skills and background?” The answer is perhaps more complex than you might guess. Primarily, you want to make a great first impression—because we all know you only get one chance to make a first impression, and first impressions are important. When you show up for your interview in a sharp looking, conservative outfit, you’re showing a high degree of respect towards your future colleagues--and that you can literally “go anywhere, anytime” should your new organization require it. It shows a mature, deep understanding of human relations and will definitely elevate your standing compared to other candidates who fail to grasp this. I’m not saying you can put on a nice suit and bamboozle your way into a Director of Process Engineering position if you have no experience—but I am saying it makes a big, big difference if you do have the requisite background. Think of it as a box on a check-off list; but a very important box indeed.

The number one rule here: Listen to your recruiter. If the recruiter you’re working with doesn’t offer some advice, make sure you ask. Just trust me on this. Remember, we’re in business to make money and successful candidates are our stock in trade. Every company is a little different; good recruiters know what’s going to fly and what’s not in the dress code department with their clients.

If you’re even remotely contemplating a job change, it’s time to review your wardrobe now because it can take a while for you to get used to subtle style changes and you’ll want to wear your new duds like they’re your second skin. It's critical that you get started on this little task right now. If your new job (or interview) requires a nice, new blue suit—buy one or two now, because alterations can take a while and the availability of merchandise in your size may be limited—necessitating that it be ordered-in even before you give the tailor a whack at it. If you’re an average sized gal or guy (like me), don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the clothing stores have items on the rack that fit you—because they might have sold out during their last sale, or be in the wrong color. Rule of thumb: All suits are going to require alteration and this takes time, so plan accordingly. Act now.

Perhaps you think wearing business professional clothing is not really for you?  Here's an example to ponder:  Let’s say you’re an engineer—and we all know that most engineers rarely wear suits to work. Why do you need to show up for your interview in one? Because engineers wear suits while presenting technical papers, attending conferences, meeting new clients, and going to dinner with existing customers.  Tip:  You want to look like your new employer could put you on a private jet and send you to D.C. to testify before congress—without worrying that you’ll look like a fish out of water or (worse yet) a goof-ball.

Perhaps you’re worried about being interviewed by people who are (how shall we say) not quite as well-dressed as you are on First Impression day. No problem—you suck it up and say “hey, I’m glad you have a flexible and casual dress code; I really prefer to dress more casually when I’m at work”. Don’t worry, they’ll remember that you looked like a million bucks and you probably just scored some major points.

I suggest that everyone show up to their interview with two professional accessories. The first is the ubiquitous black or burgundy/cordovan professional portfolio—large enough to comfortably hold three copies of your CV or resume just in case your interviewers lost their copies, but not so large that you could possibly live out of it for a week. Make sure it contains a working pen and note pad. The second is a smartphone. Yep—I said it. You need a smartphone, which means if you don’t have one, get one now and…umm…get smart on it. Everyone is more valuable to their employer when they have a smartphone. When you sit down for your interview, you take it out, turn the ringer off, and put it away. Probably ‘nuff said, but if it doesn’t come up, make sure you ask “hey, what do most people carry for a phone here? Is the ability to check and respond to emails when out of the office important? Do you have any corporate apps?” At the very least, learn how to open an Excel spreadsheet, check your email accounts—and use a search engine to find critical information just from the “smart” features on your phone.

There is a third accessory that you may consider—and you can say you heard it here first. If I wanted to make a great impression with a new employer, I’d show up with an iPad, or something similar along with the portfolio and phone. Pretty soon, we’re going to be able to drop the portfolio and phone and just use an electronic, Wi-Fi-enabled tablet for most non-engineering tasks. Maybe not just yet, but pretty soon. You decide. Just setting it on the table makes you look a little more valuable than perhaps the next person who fails to fully embrace technology. The intention is to not fiddle with your gadgets during the interview; rather, just look smarter (and hopefully be smarter and able to provide more value to the organization than your competition).

If you’re an even geekier guy or gal, (I love that word, and somewhat resemble that remark), consider updating your laptop bag if you’re taking it along. Bring it only if it’s de rigueur for your position and yes—it really is a fashion statement. If yours is stained, tattered—or ancient, please lose it. Upgrade to something nice and professional that makes you look like you actually care about what’s inside—and how others perceive you. If you normally keep extraneous junk in your laptop bag (twinkies and sock-puppets come to mind), please clean it out. Sidebar—if you’re using the laptop to give a presentation during the interview, make sure you have your slides on not one, but two backup flash drives in case your laptop refuses to boot-up or run properly. Yes--we’ve all had that embarrassing moment. I’ll save the rest of the tech advice for another post.

About jewelry: Limit it to a nice, socially acceptable, conservative watch, wedding or engagement rings if you normally wear them and if you put things in your ears, keep them on the very conservative side. Studs with short hair; perhaps something more if you’re female and your hair is a bit longer. If you have the wrong jewelry in the wrong places—I’m at a loss. You’ll have to wing it. I just can’t help you with that.

By now, you may be saying to yourself “well, if they don’t like me for who I am, I don’t want to work there”. Let’s put this in perspective: How you look, and come across really does matter. Let’s turn things around and place YOU in the interviewer's shoes. If a candidate for an engineering position showed up with a slide rule for their professional accessory, carried an old-fashion top-loading "big mouth" briefcase, dressed in a double-breasted pin-striped suit, spats and fedora straight out of a 1930s Chicago gangster movie, would you want the responsibility of bringing them on board? Think about that—and extrapolate a bit.

Remember that I mentioned earlier that your new potential employer will start evaluating you when you pull into the parking lot? Please keep in mind that although it's (probably) not a fashion statement, your vehicle says a lot about you. Now, I'm not recommending you go out and buy a new car just for your interview, but I will suggest that you at least wash it and dung-out the interior in case someone on the hiring committee strolls past your ride during your extended interview.  (Oh, wait...they never do that!)  Nothing screams "disorganized!" like a dirty car full of crap. Even if your vehicle is a high-miler and a bit long in the tooth, people will notice your efforts. Please make sure no empty cans fall out when you open the door and that the nine weeks of newspaper recycling is gone from the back seat. Suggestion: If you're pinched for time, drop your vehicle off for a professional detailing.

I love lists. I hope you do as well. Here’s your cheat sheet on how to dress and what to bring or your interview. Note that there are exceptions to every rule; trust that your recruiter will share any he or she knows of.

Ladies first.  If you’re female:

It goes without saying that if you’re female, you’re going to be judged a bit more harshly than the guys in the style department. Double-ditto if there are women on the hiring committee. Since I’m a recruiter (and not in HR), I can say this and actually get away with it. If this is the first time you’ve been made aware of this fact and it bothers you, please don't shoot me--I'm just the messenger.

Here you go, girl:

• Wear a conservative, solid-color suit that works for you. Women have a bit more latitude when choosing colors than men, but navy and charcoal are generally good choices. Pants—or skirt? You decide. You should do some homework on what the women wear at your prospective employer. Think “contemporary professional”. If you’ve owned your outfit for a few years, it’s probably not going to work. Make sure it fits well. Most women are pretty good at this one. If you're not one of them, take one of your friends who is shopping with you.  If you value your time, pick a higher-end retailer (like Nordstrom); you'll receive better service and advice.  I would suggest watching what female news anchors wear, but the current trend for them includes loud, attention-grabbing colors and styles. If you live in a major metropolitan area, spend at least one lunch hour in the high-rent office district and pay attention to what the reasonably successful women are wearing. Remember--you won't always know who's going to be on the hiring committee; err on the side of "conservative" when choosing your outfits. Keep in mind that if you make a great first impression, you'll probably be called back for a second interview and you won't want to wear the same outfit twice.

• Blouse: A coordinated, crisp blouse that works with your suit. In the blouse department, think “conservative” because you’re (pointing finger at eyes) “up here”—right? You know what I mean.

• Moderate, conservative shoes that go well with your suit in both shape and color. No open toes, and reserve the 5” pumps for Friday night. In case you didn't know, red is not a conservative shoe color.

• Limited jewelry (see above). It’s safer to leave jewelry with religious, ethnic, or cult-like overtones at home. Err on the side of less bling. No Madeleine Albright brooches, unless you actually are Madeleine Albright.

• Hair: You probably know what you need to do for a “do”--a neat, professional, contemporary style. If your hair is long, you might choose a female news anchor that you vaguely resemble to emulate. Note: You don’t have to agree with her point of view, just her hair. If your hair style is from Mad Men, The Beverly Hillbillies, or The B-52s (unless you actually are Kate Pierson), you’ll need to work on that.

• Conservative hosiery, probably in lighter colors. You might want to consult with a style professional regarding colors that work well with your complexion and suit. Keep the fishnets with the 5” heels for another place and time.

• Perfume: None. You never know who has an aversion to scents. Many offices have semi-draconian rules on scents—and you don’t want to inflame the scent police.

• Nails: Very recently done. Keep them conservative in length and color.

• If you wear glasses, find some that are contemporary that compliment your features. Styles have changed a bit over the last little while. Seek professional help if you don’t know what I’m talking about. If you wear glasses, this is your homework assignment for today.

• Professional accessories: As above, according to your position requirements. Big bonus if they go with your outfit.

• Purse: Oh dear…it’s too hard. You’ll have to judge if you’re bringing it, or leaving it in the car but if you do bring it, it needs to be conservative and actually work with your outfit. Rule of thumb: If you’re slinging a laptop bag or a notepad, lose the purse; you’ll look like a pack mule. Organize any little extras you may need in the laptop bag.  Note:  There are some very nice women's laptop bags out there--now might be a good time to check them out.

• Makeup—keep it conservative while looking good. You should go with what works best in a conservative mode. Give me a break on this one; I’m just an observer. My take: Less (at least the perception of less) is often more in the makeup department. Remember—it’s an interview, not a photo shoot for Boston Proper or casting call for Moulin Rouge.

If you’re a guy:

I find a lot of guys who dress haphazardly at best that still think they fall under the accepted bell curve of professional workplace style. If you haven't had a fair amount of training (or a lot of experience) with dressing the part and looking good, you probably can use a tune-up. We all need a tune-up once in a while, because what worked style-wise five years ago will not work now. Shoot to dress towards the center for your respective industry. Err on the side of being conservative. If you’re wearing a suit for your interview (and I strongly suggest you do), think Barack Obama, Daniel Craig, or Bill O’Reilly (irrespective of your own acting ability or political bent)--for they wear them well. Your checklist:

• A conservative suit. I like my candidates in two-button, solid (no stripes), dark blue (navy), or charcoal suits. Note that “suit” means matching pants and jacket, of the same color and material. If this is new to you, I strongly suggest seeking some professional advice from an experienced customer service rep at your local men’s store. Note: Just because it’s on the cover of GQ, or in the Banana Republic catalog does not mean it’s going to work for your interview. Some of the trendy stuff is just plain weird and may in fact make you look like a moron. If you enjoy trendy fashion, save it for Friday night. The best material is wool.  Keep at least two suits in your wardrobe, because you probably don't want to wear the same suit to the second interview in case you're invited back.

• Long sleeved shirt. Be careful with the colors; white always works. Nothing too trendy in the fabric department; cotton is good.  If you’re wearing a color outside of white, make sure you consult with a style professional regarding it’s applicability with your suit. Note that different collar styles work better for some individuals than others and ask for some help with this. Buy shirts that fit.  Try them on before taking them home.  If you're a slim guy, buy fitted shirts so it doesn't look like you're swimming in them.  If you're bigger in the middle, it's doubly important that your shirts fit properly or you'll look like a buffoon no matter how much you spend.  Pick up a few shirts that work with your suit(s)—and send them out to be professionally cleaned and pressed. You’ll look a lot better and it’s one less thing to worry about on interview day.

• Tie: Think conservative. Get some help with this, for ties come and go every six months or so. Hint: Solid red, solid blue, or conservative stripes (if in style) usually work. All real ties are silk. A polyester tie is an abomination, as are clip-ons unless you’re a cop. Become good at tying a knot that works for you. You might review the following link: http://www.tie-a-tie.net/ .  The end of your tie should hit you at the belt buckle.  Myth: “If you keep a tie long enough, it will come back in style.”  No, it won’t.  Sidebar--start watching the mainstream evening news, note what the male news anchors are wearing--then go shopping. Contrary to popular belief, most women are not very good at choosing appropriate ties--unless they actually work in a men's store. Keep this in mind and pick up a couple of professionally recommended ties when you purchase your suit.

• Socks: Wear some new dress socks that match your suit within a shade or two. Socks must always closely match the color of your pants. Black socks don't work with a blue suit. Got it?

• Shoes: Probably black or burgundy/cordovan dress shoes to go with your blue suit. (Hint, hint.) New is good. Do not wear run-over shoes, or something from your ancestor’s closet. Your shoes must match your belt in color, texture, and material. They need to look sharp. Purchasing professionally recommended shoes and matching belts at the same time from the same store usually works.

• Very limited jewelry (see above). I like to see a nice, conservative, dress watch on a guy—makes me believe he values time. Clunky, trendy, or beat-up watches won't do much to improve your image. Bulova, Citizen, and Seiko make some nice, mid-priced professional looking men's dress watches; they also make some that are pretty wild, so please choose carefully and make sure it fits your wrist.  Watches with metal bands must always be adjusted to fit your wrist.  I suggest wearing a luxury/expensive watch only if your station in life actually affords such trappings. Don't show up with a Rolex Submariner on your wrist if you're driving a $100 car; makes you look like your priorities might be skewed. Yes--we all know that cell phones have a clock function--so the only real reason to wear a watch is to make a statement. Just 'sayin.

• Hair: Neat and professional. If yours is one of your nicer features, make it look like you take care of it. If you’re bald (like me), consider a #2, #1, or shorter length. Trust me, everyone already knows we're bald. If you’re bald on top, but can grow it luxuriously thick on the sides, be doubly careful as you may begin to resemble Bozo The Clown or Montgomery Burns if it starts getting a little long. Unlike most women, you may not really understand what works with your hair. If you don’t, seek some professional advice and clearly state "I want my hair to make me look very professional". This is actually your homework assignment for today.

• Cologne: None. The scent police are looking for you, too. A very light, unscented moisturizing aftershave is fine. You don't want to smell like you just took a shower out of a can.

• Nails: Neatly trimmed. Yep—do the best you can.

• Professional accessories: As above, according to the position requirements. You probably don’t need to worry about the purse. 

Will Baumann is a recruiter specializing in difficult to fill technical and leadership positions.

LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/willbaumann

Company site: http://www.anrgroupinc.com/

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